Welcome to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Manarat International University (MIU). Our department provides an outstanding opportunity for students to pursue an exceptional, high-level education under highly skilled faculty members. Our vision is to provide quality education in both theoretical and applied fields of computer science by building a strong research and teaching environment. The department started to offer the undergraduate program in May 2001 with only 73 students. Over the years, the Department of CSE has made great strides in teaching, and continues to attract the most talented students and faculties around Bangladesh. The graduates from our department are heavily recruited by both academia and industry of home and abroad. At present, this department has adequate resources and facilities for Semiconduc¬tor Devices and Technology, Digital Electronics and Logic Design, microcontroller Interfacing, Communication Engineering, Computer and Information security, Digital Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, Bioinformatics and many more. The department also provides an excellent research environment for students as well as faculties. Also, both teachers and students spontaneously participate in different programs to make the department a center for excellence.